28 research outputs found

    Air traffic deconfliction using sum coloring

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    Best of Session (UTM-6: sUAS Traffic Management and Deconfliction) Award, 38 DASC 38th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems ConferenceThis paper studies strategic conflict resolution for air traffic based on sum coloring. We consider two application scenarios: manned and unmanned air traffic, with similar targets: to improve efficiency of operations and to reduce the costs. For the Unmanned Air Vehicles Traffic Management (UTM) we consider also a payment mechanism which incentivizes the operators to share information necessary to find a socially optimal solution. We quantify the potential savings via a series of experiments, showing that our methods drastically outperform the widely used First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) strategy.Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Air Traffic Flow Management Under Emission Policies: Analyzing the Impact of Sustainable Aviation Fuel and Different Carbon Prices

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    As part of the global efforts to make aviation activities more environmentally friendly, the worldwide goal is to achieve a 50% reduction in the 2005 emissions by 2050. In this context, aviation emissions represent a critical challenge to aviation activities, especially with the increasing travel demand up to the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, starting in 2020. One of the potential drivers that would help the aviation industry reduce its emissions is the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). In this study, we analyzed the impact of SAF from an air traffic flow management (ATFM) perspective, considering delay and re-routing costs. We developed an optimization model that considers, in addition to the traditional ATFM costs, fuel costs and carbon dioxide emissions. We investigated the impact of accounting for these two new aspects, that is, fuel costs and emissions, on ATFM performance, and we compared SAF with conventional fuel. The analysis of a real case study revealed that, in addition to delay and re-routing costs, fuel cost should be included in the ATFM model so that the resulting solution becomes economically and environmentally realistic for airlines. The increase in the fuel cost and network delays when using SAF requires setting an appropriate carbon price under an emission policy, such as the carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international flights policy, to make SAF more attractive. Furthermore, flexible re-routing programs for flights operated using SAF make it advantageous from an ATFM perspective

    Central authority controlled air traffic flow management: An optimization approach.

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    Despite various planning efforts, airspace capacity can sometimes be exceeded, typically due to disruptive events. Air traffic flow management (ATFM) is the process of managing flights in this situation. In this paper, we present an ATFM model that accounts for different rerouting options (path rerouting and diversion) and pre-existing en-route flights. The model proposes having a central authority to control all decisions, which is then compared with current practice. We also consider inter-flight and inter-airline fairness measures in the network. We use an exact approach to solve small-to-medium-sized instances, and we propose a modified fix-and-relax heuristic to solve large-sized instances. Allowing a central authority to control all decisions increases network efficiency compared to the case where the ATFM authority and airlines control decisions independently. Our experiments show that including different rerouting options in ATFM can help reduce delays by up to 8% and cancellations by up to 23%. Moreover, ground delay cost has much more impact on network decisions than air delay cost, and network decisions are insensitive to changes in diversion cost. Furthermore, the analysis of the trade-off between total network cost and overtaking cost shows that adding costs for overtaking can significantly improve fairness at only a small increase in total system cost. A balanced total cost per flight among airlines can be achieved at a small increase in the network cost (0.2 to 3.0%) when imposing airline fairness. In conclusion, the comprehensiveness of the model makes it useful for analyzing a wide range of alternatives for efficient ATF

    SWEAO (SWedish Enroute Airspace Optimization)

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    SWEAO är en förstudie som tar avstamp från den teori och modellering som genomförs I ODESTA projektet (VINNOVA) där luftrummets design och rutter optimeras för att hantera trafik till och från Arlanda och Bromma på det mest effektiva sättet. ODESTA studerar luftrummet över och runt Stockholm medans SWEAO studerar det svenska luftrummet. SWEAO studerar trafik i det övre luftrummet för den svenska delen av NUAC d.v.s. luftrummet över Sverige. Syftet är att modellera aktuell trafik och föreslå en optimal sektorisering / fördelning av trafik och arbetsbelastning. SWEAO modell är flexibel och kan därför snabbt utvärdera effekt av olika skärningar i luftrummet beroende på trafiken som varierar över både tid och säsong.Arbetet presenterades vid SESAR Innovation Days november 2017 och rönte god uppmärksamhet och bedömdes som ett tillämpat vetenskapligt arbete av hög kvalitet. Två workshops genomfördes med NUAC expertis. Arbetet bedöms som relevant och intressant att gå vidare med vid en planerad luftrumsförändring som stöd tillbeslutsunderlag. I ett framtida scenario finns dynamiska sektorer (eller inga sektorer alls s.k. Sectorless ATM) i ett sådant sammanhang blir modellering viktigt både i ett planerande, taktiskt och uppföljande syfte för att bäst utnyttja resurser, luftrum, operatörer för att leverera högsta möjliga kvalitet på tjänster till flygbolag och flygplatser.Möjligheter att integrera SWEAO modell i NUAC framtida luftrums arbete utvärderas under 2018.Luftrumsoptimering för svenskt luftrum (SWEAO), förstudi

    Resilient HR

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    För att visa hur en systemiskt resilience-metod kan användas intervjuades 15 personer vid Luftfartsverket och Trafikverket. Vidare genomfördes en workshop med chefer och ledare ca 25 personer. De tankar och erfarenheter som beskrevs analysens och strukturerades till ca 200 kommentarer. Klassificeringen av kommentarerna i studien är ett exempel på att en systematisk resiliensmodell kan användas för att fånga upp och belysa förändringsarbetes områden olika områden.Analys av intervjuerna och workshopen visar att en systemisk resiliens-modell (SyRes-modellen) och resiliensbegreppet kan bidra med att stötta förändringsarbete och stötta HR-funktionen i en organisation. Framförallt visar intervjuserien att syresmodellen kan användas som stöd för att strukturera och stötta planering av kommande förändringar i ett förändringsarbetes olika delar. SyRes-modellen kan både användas med ett mål att stötta förändringsprocessen och med ett mål att stötta slutresultatets kvalité. Klassificeringen av kommentarerna i studien är ett exempel på att en systematisk resilensmodell kan användas för att fånga upp och belysa förändringsarbetes olika områden. Att strukturerat arbeta med förändringsplaneringen kan identifiera uppgifter som måste hanteras tidigt, identifiera uppgifter som måste belysas tydligare, situationer som kan uppstå i organisationen mm.Resilient Human Resource

    Security and privacy of air traffic communication

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    In this work we propose several solutions for the improved security of the selected wireless communication systems used in ATM. We review technological characteristics and properties of the two wireless communication systems: CPDLC and TCS. Basing on their specifics we construct threat models and propose a set of corresponding countermeasures. We emphasize the importance of creating cybersecurity threat model, which identify all possible cyber threats to ATM information systems, enabling the ATC authorities to be proactive and comprehensive in their approach to cyber security. In addition, we consider an example genuine security solution which implies global changes in the whole Air Traffic Communication System. The studies confirmed there is an urgent need to protect the ATM-related technologies from the wide spectrum of cyberattacks, and the solutions need to be implemented in a timely manner. Further investigations should uncover the feasibility and applicability of the proposed measures in the narrowed scope for implementation.Säkerhet och integritet för kommunikation flygtrafik (CYBSEC), förstudi

    A method to identify investigative blind spots (MIBS) : Addressing blunt-end factors of ultra-safe organizations? investigation-work-as-done

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    Ultra-safe organizations, such as Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), have extensive safety management organizations and generally excellent safety records with very few serious incidents and accidents. This development has been supported by increasingly advanced and effective methods. However, recent research has uncovered how the application of even advanced incident investigation methods is subject to the same pressures of the reality of everyday work, similar to other safety-critical work tasks. They may therefore also have "incidents", where all issues are not examined with desired thoroughness, and all recommendations are not formulated or implemented with desired effectiveness. This development may be driven by different factors. For instance, the economic pressure on ANSPs is arguably high in Europes competitive aviation market. This speaks for an efficient and pragmatic method for investigating organizational factors affecting incident investigation work. The foundation for such a method existed in prior research, in the form of lists of risk factors for investigative work. In this paper, we present the Method for identifying Investigative Blind Spots (MIBS). We also describe, compare, and assess its development and application, at a Swedish ANSP. Incident investigators were involved in a series of semi-structured workshops to identify possible "blind spots" in their own investigation practices (investigation-work-as-done), i.e. organizational factors that impede or otherwise affect the various phases of the investigative process (investigation-work-as-imagined). This resulted in a method description with an associated set of discussion cards that ultra-safe organizations can use to address blunt-end factors of their investigation-work-as-done.Funding Agencies|Swedish Transport Administration, Sweden; LFV [TRV 2019/35202]; LFV Safety Department</p

    Kompetens, kapacitet och optimering i digital flygledningscentral, KODIC II Rapport 2017

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    I detta arbete presenteras ett generellt ramverk designat som ett flexibelt verktyg för framtida personalplanering i Remote Tower Center (RTC). Ett antal frågor relaterade till personalplanering har identifierats när flertalet flygplatser styrs från ett ensamt center.Kompetens, kapacitet och optimering i digital flygledningscentral, KODIC I